FFXIV Open Beta Starts Tuesday

Submitted by: Unknown

So go get your beta key, and let me know how it is, I’m too busy playing other games.

Source: FFXVI Core

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38 Responses to FFXIV Open Beta Starts Tuesday

  1. JustMetal227 says:

    EPIC…love it and cant play it, my pc couldnt handle such beautifulness…!!!!!!!!!!!!!First!

  2. Katalina says:

    It’s… so… pretty!

  3. WoW says:

    ZOMG, if I was a girl that would have made me cry.

  4. argentlupus says:

    Very intresting. It is solo friendly at least for right now

  5. greateighthsin says:

    Why? So that they can sucker you into terrible game play, poor service, and horrid plot development by presenting pretty graphics. No thanks, I’ve got better games to play than pay around $15.99 a month for their gimmicks.

    Think I’m wrong? Go ahead and play any FF game that dates after FFX.

    • ChickinSammich says:

      Except by “after FFX” you mean “FF7 and later.

      9 and 12 were good. 7, 8, 10, 13 were crap.

      11 is a separate entity entirely.

    • Kakuna says:

      oh look, someone who hates every single final fantasy that came after 7, and likes 12? wow…

    • Kevok says:

      Agree. I’ve not played most of the 3d titles, but 10 is crap, and 12 is good. Seven and eight just look overrated, and nine is supposedly the best of the 3d lot.

      IMHO, gimme something like 4-6 and I’ll be happy.

    • Carlos says:

      Are you joking? Final Fantasy 9 had a plot of nothing more than seemingly random events stuffed with overly contrived appeals to emotion that had no real depth; and it was filled with nothing but tacked-on characters who where the *epitome* of the above-mentioned hollow flashiness.

      You must all be children. Despite what all that MTV garbage and its various copies might have you thinking, ignorance is neither a virtue nor bliss. Stay in school and learn what the hell story structure and character development are.

    • Ohnonono says:

      DORK WAR!!!!

  6. Fenex says:

    I have to agree with Greateightsin, I have been alpha testing, as well as beta testing for 14 for about 4 months now… and with the more information that comes out and the further the beta comes along… the worse the it gets. This is being marketed as a “casual MMO” which is a concept which i honestly believe cant work… and thus far, every mmo that has tried to go casual or caters to casual has failed or died… WoW is already on its death path… and of the 2500ish English speaking beta testers.. we are agreed, SE is only pushing this out to try and generate revinew to compensate for 2 years of Bad games thus far… IT looks pretty but thats about the only thing that doesnt fall short in this game

  7. hurr durr says:

    :))) these types of games make me fall out of my chair laughing..I mean COME ON – it has HORRIBLE gameplay, it’s asian themed and if you take the graphics away, a clone of the previous shitty final fantasy mmos..I would rather get a blowjob than subscribe to this garbage!

    • Shaunair says:

      You would rather get a bj than play a bad video game. Glad your priorities are strait. Everyone that is talking shit about this game but still reading this post is full of shit. If none of you actually cared about it, you wouldnt be posting stupid ass comments about a game series you dont like. I certainly dont spend my time on the internet looking up things i hate. Buncha sorry ass haters is all you will ever be. The lot of you

    • furnatic says:

      I think we’d all rather get blowjobs than subscribe to anything. You make a blowjob sound like a bad thing!

    • Carlos says:

      That’s what I was thinking.

  8. Mekel says:

    I just he hope he tapped enough mana to play that creature.

  9. wouldntyouliketoknow says:

    That dude if FUCKING HOT!!

  10. Akrome says:

    Geez Chickin, calling good 9 and 12 in comparison to 7,8 and 10 is a bit of a reversal of everything that is the order of the Universe

    About the trailer: i kind of “seen it in action” (no questions asked) and i assure you that it takes an extremely powerful machine to run (i can run modern warfare 2 at full res, but lowest setting of this game make me have one frame every 10…. literally), but the gameplay is a little different from the others mmorpg’s, ensuring longer time of play, even if it can be a little annoying at the begininnig.

  11. SleepyCat says:

    13 wasnt that bad, only the Battle system was crap other then that story was overall good, as any FF game a little over the top

    • LLM says:

      Have not completed it yet but I like 13. I am playing it more for the story and it has been good so far. But I wont get to play it much now (darn school). On disc 2 😦

    • Cyberwolfman says:

      LOL disc 2

      For a Final Fantasy MMORPG to really work you have to be able to do most things solo, as well as have a solo option to obtain high end gear, otherwise those that don’t have the time commitment won’t play.

  12. Peter says:

    Holy Sh** already? when did Thirteen come out, like five or six months ago? And they’re already holding open beta for the next game??

  13. gamerdiva says:

    Been playing since Closed Beta 2– not impressed. Wanna talk about the possibility of regressing in an MMO– this game speaks for itself. Honestly I’ve played FF games since I was young– this made me sad. I even played 11 for a short while and I think it even had better game play. Give Open Beta a try but I think SE is gonna find out that the game is gonna bomb if they don’t come to the current century of MMOs.

  14. randomnick says:

    lots of cgi and only a few seconds of gameplay footage.
    and ingame doesnt impress sofar.

  15. Snippi says:

    Well, I’ve never played FF for anything but the stories, so so far this looks interesting. However, I’m still waiting for Versus. They said the battlesystem would be more like it is in Kingdom Hearts, and the awful battle system is the reason I don’t like playing FF games (I just want to watch the stories… they should make movies like Advent Children out of all the games).

  16. Allen says:

    Obviously you never truly played through the final fantasy’s because 7-10, 12 and 13 because i have played through the games and found that they were all good games but what is a game without a flaw or two

  17. _Darawnal_ says:

    Uhmm… which one was the _Final_ Fantasy again? Looks like it’s more like “Not-so-final Fantasy, just wait and we’ll have another sequel for you MMCMLXXVI”

    • Cyberwolfman says:

      You obviously don’t know how the series got the name Final Fantasy.

      The year is about 1984 or 1985. Square isn’t doing so well, and if their next game doesn’t do well, they are toast. So their latest game gets the title “Final Fantasy”, if it flops, it’s definitley their Final game! Instead it does amazingly well (still have my copy), and the people want more More MOAR!!!

    • Alejo says:

      AND if it goes well (like it did), Final means something along the lines of “Ultimate” Fantasy

  18. Somedude says:

    Yeah, after the horrible clusterfuck that was 11?

    Wouldn’t be so bad if they hadn’t recycled so many elements and renamed them.

  19. MacFeegle says:

    … yeah. I think I’ll be busy playing other games, too. Not interested in the 14th installment of “Final” Fantasy. Also not interested in a grindfest that I have to pay for, rather than one that pays me, IE, my job. Especially not interested in the beta, because I don’t care to test buggy JRPGs all day, then go home and do it all night, too.

    As for the story, well… what I’ve seen so far sounds very much like the dev team was up all night throwing darts at the Wall O’ FF Plot Devices and Character Stereotypes. I prefer stuff that’s less formulaic. 😉

  20. BlueGuy08 says:

    Is it me or under source it says 16 not 14?

    • Cyberwolfman says:

      It’s not you, looks like the source doesn’t know his roman numerals.

      Either that or he/she knows something of FF16 already.

  21. geye says:

    As long as they learned from their complete and utter cesspool of failure that was FFXIII, I’ll try it. But i’ll probably wait and look at xplay or game informer’s reviews first.

  22. Aeyvi says:

    I’ve been playing this since Beta 2.0… and so far it’s depressing. I really hope they fix the majority of stupidity before release.
    …. and then they mock us with eyegasmic trailers like this… it’s just mean.

  23. whatevs says:

    The trailer had a lot of elements that reminded me of Escaflowne.

  24. TALUS says:

    For every complaint about weird UI and unnesesary changes to the battle system
    Square enix still makes a freakin beautiful game

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